In case I end up being incommunicado this weekend…
I hope this historic storm is historic only in that it didn’t happen or wasn’t as bad as predicted, but I’m not taking any chances.
I have filled the house with food that doesn’t need cooking, taken cash out of the bank, parked my car away from power lines, removed my ice scraper from my vehicle, downloaded a couple of e-books, and charged up all my electronics and power banks. I guess I am as ready as I can be!
Rock on (and stay safe, fellow Ontarians!),
The WB
We have the same warning of an ice storm coming to my area of Michigan.
Stay safe, Jean!
Thanks for the heads up, Deb, for those that may not have heard. We have some nasty weather in store for us up here in the north as well. This was the statement issued early this morning for our area. Please stay safe and warm yourself Deb. Is this winter weather ever going to let us go? 🙁
Special Weather Statement
Issued at 04:09 Saturday 14 April 2018
A messy mix of snow, ice pellets, and freezing rain Sunday into Monday.
Snow mixed with ice pellets will spread into Northeastern Ontario early Sunday afternoon. Snow and ice pellet accumulations near 5 cm are possible before changing over to freezing rain late in the day Sunday.
The freezing rain will change back over to snow Monday morning. Snowfall amounts of 15 to 20 cm are possible by Tuesday morning.
In addition, strong northerly winds will produce areas of blowing snow, leading to reduced visibilities.
Snow and blowing snow will ease Monday night into Tuesday.
Warnings may be issued as the event draws closer.
Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to ONstorm@canada.ca or tweet reports using #ONStorm.
DOES ONTARIO KNOW ITS SPRING??? I know the weather doesn’t care about seasons, but I do, dang it all. I hope it’s not too bad for you up there.
It’s already pretty bad. Staying off the roads and indoors and hoping the power stays on. Thanks Akilah!
Glad you are staying safe and are well prepared!
Thank you Aimie!
I’ve been away all weekend and just got home last night in the middle of that mess. We’ve had no power since about 9:30 last night and it just came on about 15 minute ago. It’s going to be an interesting day!!
Glad you got home safe, Joanne. I was lucky in that the power never went out all weekend. It is going to be an interesting day, for sure!