In the summer, I need to be near water. I want to be in it or on it. Luckily I live in a province blessed with, and bounded by rivers and lakes.
I live very close to water. Because of this I have invested in some watercraft, with which to get my butt onto the water. I briefly considered getting a canoe. But for stability and manoeuverability on relatively calm waters, a kayak can’t be beat, in my opinion. Behold my kayak collection:

I love to get out on the water, to get up close and personal to stuff like this:

And then there is always this, to look forward to:

When I get onto the river with one of my kayaks on a warm summer’s day, it’s like I’ve gone on a mini-vacation. And I haven’t even left town.
Have you ever kayaked?
Rock on,
The WB
Can you guess my theme for this year’s A-Z Challenge? All of my A-Z posts this month will be tied into my theme, which is represented by the title of a song that was popular when I was a child. Can you figure it out as the days (and posts) go by? Leave your guesses (one per day only, please) in the comments. At the end of the challenge, I will reveal the theme. Have fun!
I am SOOOO looking forward to kayaking with you this summer! Jealous, jealous, jealous that you have this practically outside your front door!!
Yes, bring it ON!!!!! Looking forward to getting on the river with you this summer, Joanne!
Nope, I’ve never kayaked, Deb, although the peacefulness of the experience is greatly appealing. I so much prefer any form of self-powered water transportation to gas-powered anything.
You DO have a collection. Impressive. That’s the only problem with selling one. Three is a collection. Two’s just a pair. I don’t know, Deb. You may have to rethink the sale idea and just get Mizz J (or Joanne?) out there with you more often.
Look at that anticipating I was doing, Deb. I didn’t see Joanne’s comment when I wrote mine.
I’m with you, Karen. I dislike gas-powered anything. I used to own a push mower for that reason, and I’ve never wanted a boat that needs a motor. Yes, kayaking is very peaceful – at least the way I do it. No rapids for this gal…yet!
My husband and I each have a kayak and we have a river that runs through our town, a few good rapids but mostly we are there for the serenity and to enjoy the herons. It’s about a three or four hour float depending on how far you go. I love it, and can’t wait to get back out there.
Fantastic, Karen! Me too. Can’t wait.
I’ve never been in a kayak but it looks fun. I did a lot of canoeing in my teens and had a small sailfish in my twenties then got side tracked from being around water Love this series of summer related posts!
Is your song “Let’s Get Away from it all”? Frank Sinatra.
Oooh, I’ve always wanted to learn to sail. Kayaks are a whole lot of fun, Jean. Thanks for the comment and the guess!
I have never kayaked in my life, Deb. I have done some canoeing and found that peaceful as well. I have been in a gas powered boat or two before but they are so noisy! Also gas powered boats bring out the teenage boy in most guys and they like to show off how they can speed and lift the bow out of the water which terrifies me. Nope..not going there. I will stick to canoeing is just my speed. 🙂
I think you would like kayaking, Susan. I’ve done both and prefer the kayak. Yep, guys feel the need for speed, for sure! I don’t like this either. Thanks for commenting!
You know, I just might like kayaking and may try it one day if I get the chance. You’ve convinced me to give it a chance. You’re welcome, it was my pleasure. 😀
This is the second K is for kayak post I’ve read today! I’ve never been kayaking, but might try it in the ocean, in a bay, near a beach. Somehow the idea of rolling on the river unnerves me. However I’m glad that you do it, and that you take pics along the way.
🎵Rolling, rolling, rolling on the river🎶 My river, the ironically named Speed, is terribly calm. I would get unnerved being on the ocean!
Wow! This is all in your neighbourhood? Nice!
No, I have never kayaked before, although I have seen school kids doing drills at one of the reservoirs I run at. It looks rather tricky (lots of capsize drills going on!)
Yes, I’m very lucky, Ju-Lyn. Also never capsized the kayak. I think that is something you need to worry about in white water, only. I find the kayaks to be incredibly stable.
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