Happy 2018! May all your intentions come to pass.
I had a plan for this weekend and it was a good one! I am trying hard to get at least some of these things done.
However Friday was spent at the hospital with my daughter, Mizz J, who was sent there forthwith after her early morning pelvic ultrasound. She was sick over the holidays (we thought it was the flu) and despite a course of antibiotics for a presumed bladder infection, was still feeling uncomfortable.
Well, no wonder. She was walking around with a burst and abscessed appendix. Go figure! Only the antibiotics for the non-existent bladder infection were keeping her from being violently ill.
After a long day in Emerg with a doctor who didn’t believe the ultrasound’s tech findings, she was ultrasounded again and immediately whisked upstairs. Surgery took place Friday evening.
All is well now. She is receiving mega-antibiotics by IV and we are hoping she comes home today.
Between hospital visits, I was able to put away Christmas:

And finish off the Aged Eggnog, which was delicious and will be made again next year. At least a double batch, this time!

While at the hospital, I noticed this on the wall outside of the ubiquitous Tim Horton’s coffee shop (really, every hospital has one now. How did that happen?):

Mindfulness and Mandalas seem to go together like kids and puppies; like pie and ice cream; like socks and sandals (hehehe…just kidding. Threw that in there to see if you were still paying attention).
I was able to resume some mindful yoga this morning. Holey moley, was my body tense from all the goings-on of the past couple of days!
My Mandala Days art course begins on the 16th. Eager to see what’s involved!
Hope your new year is off to a blazing start!
Rock on,
The WB
Whew, that’s scary, Deb. I’m so glad it got caught, albeit rather late in the game. Thank goodness your daughter is okay. Let’s make this your one and only awful event for 2018 and push the reset button to start this year again. Happy New Year!
I’m with you, Karen. Thanks, Mizz J is back home and I’m pushing the reset button now!
No wonder you were tense! I’m glad Mizz J is OK now, but what a fright that must have been.
Well, this was a head scratcher for sure. She was walking around with an abscessed, ruptured appendix for about 10 days, the doc figured. Her body had walled it off – that plus the antibiotics made sure she didn’t end up with peritonitis. Still, the doc said she was a bit of a mess down there.
Thanks Reticula!
I’m glad your daughter is okay! Oh wow.
That aged eggnog looks amazing. A+
Thanks Akilah! Definitely making the eggnog again. The only complaint I had from people that received a jar of it as a gift was that there was not enough…hehehe!
Wow! I’m glad she is okay. My MIL (way before I met her, when my husband was a child) had a ruptured appendix in a small town. Nothing was done (they didn’t know what it was) and only years later when she was having bowel issues was the cause discovered. Thank goodness your daughter is OK!
Thanks Becky! I’m very glad it was caught too!
{sigh}. I’m STILL not getting notifications of your posts and I’m running out of things to try next. I’m actually having a lot of problems on many blogs. I may have to call the ‘Happiness Engineers’ again 😕
Anyway … I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter. My son had a similar incident as a teenager (ie we thought it was the flu) and it led to the 3 worst weeks of my entire life. I’m so relieved to hear your daughter is now doing ok. Whenever I hear appendix now, all those horrible memories come flooding back.
I’m having the same problem with gmail Joanne. All the notifications of comments made on the blog end up in spam, I found out today. I wondered why I was no longer getting them! Even though I have applied filters to NOT tag these emails as spam, they still end up in the spam folder. If you get this figured out, please let me know and I promise to return the favour if I come up with a solution first! So far though, I am striking out.
Sorry to hear that you had such a tough go with your son and his appendix! I didn’t mean for this post to make you or anyone relive a traumatic event.
woohoo – I just found your post!! …. in my spam filter. I’m making progress. At least I’m getting the posts now!
I’m just glad your daughter is well. I wouldn’t wish my nightmare on anyone!!
Meanwhile, I’m off to check my spam filter. I have to remember to go back to certain blogs, like yours, and check for posts and responses to comments. Sigh. I guess if this is the worst I have to deal with, I shouldn’t complain … much 😉
Dear WB,
Just read this and this was quite a dramatic start to the year!
It must have been been excruciating to see your Daughter in the hospital! Hope she has fully recovered, and that you are also ok.
How is Mandala Days going?
Hi Ju-Lyn,
Thanks for the comment. Yes! That was a dramatic turn and quite worrying. But it all turned out well.
I haven’t had time to do more than watch the video for Mandala Days. I’ll dive in after I come back from my vacation.
Have a lovely trip! Rest & recuperate well. Enjoy the sights, sounds & food!