How’s that for a click-baity title, huh?
I have a day-bed in my home office. It makes a handy space for naps or reading or for when I have a houseful of stay-overnight guests.
I found some cute throw pillows at Homesense one day. I loved the designs and the colours so much they came right home with me. Behold:

Mizz J was studying on the day bed one day last week. Oh boy, was she studying…the pillows.
Mizz J: Mom, did you look at these pillows before you bought them?
Me: Of course! You know how much I love colour and mandala designs!
Mizz J: Did you look closely at them?
Me: Why?
Mizz J: Take a closer look.
Me: OK.

Me: OK, yeah. I ‘m looking but what am I supposed to be looking at?
Mizz J: Look closer. Much closer.
Mizz J points to a part of the design.

Me: Huh? What the…!!! OH MY!!!
Cut to Mizz J killing herself laughing at her ol’ mom’s realization of the not-so-hidden design on her pillows.
Hope this post made you laugh as much as I did when I discovered my pillow…er…porn.
Rock on,
The WB
hahahaha!! That is the problem, isn’t it? Once seen, that’s all you’ll ever see 😀
Funny! My sister has a stained glass window in her kitchen that all the boys see the same thing as your pillows. Ha!
Haha! They’re EVERYWHERE!Thanks for the comment Christie!
Yep. My sister suggested I check all of my mandalas for hidden symbols. I countered that perhaps I should insert something like this in all my artwork but then I realized that could be a seen as a dick move. 😉
Hilarious! Reminds me of Anderson Cooper’s Ridiculist with William Tapley, “the prophet” who sees penises EVERYWHERE!
Whut? You mean they’re not everywhere?! 😉
That is pretty hysterical! Did you keep the pillows? Hahaha
Of course, Peta! Now they are even more FUN than they were before.
Haha! Dick Pillows! That reminds me of a mug a former roommate had. It was white with blue bunnies all over. When I looked closer at the mug, I noticed that all the bunnies were doing what bunnies do best… in all sorts of positions.
There’s a lot of that going around in everyday items, apparently. I find it hilarious. Thanks, Janis 💕
Oh, these are special pillows. NEVER get rid of them.
You are so right and I am never getting rid of them now that I know their “secret”. 😁 Thank you, Kari 💕