You. Only. Live. Once.
Somebody famous (or infamous) famously said: You only live once but if you do it right, it’s enough. Or very similar wording expressing the same sentiment. Blah blah blah…details!
The point being made that living life fully is the way to go.
For me that means being in the present moment, as much as possible. Not just going through the motions or living life on autopilot while mulling over the past or fretting about the future. Being engaged with people and the community. And saying yes… a lot. But not so much that this happens.
Oh, the mythical Balanced Life – how it eludes me, even now!
Living life right. Easier to say than to do at times. But with practice and determination, I believe it is possible to achieve, even just momentarily.
YOLO it up everyone – and rock on,
The WB