…never say never
Never, my friends, is a long long time.
I try never to say never. Yet on some topics (*cough…husband #3…cough*) I still do.
I try never to say never because there have been so many times I have said never to something and then never became maybe and then maybe became probably and then probably became certainly and next thing you know I am busy explaining to my friends and family why I defected from the People’s Republic of Never-Never Land.
Take running, for instance. I said never to this for most of my adult life. I would tell people: If you ever catch me running, look behind me to see what or who is chasing me and call 911.
Things started to change for me in 2002 when I fell in love with (and later married) a “jock” who gently encouraged me and fully supported me in pushing my limits.

To date I have been “caught running” at 4 half-marathon events and no one has had to call 911 for me yet.

My fifth half is coming up shortly, on June 7th in Niagara Falls. I am walking the distance this time because I didn’t want to risk injury from running on snowy and icy trails when training officially began in February. (Before you suggest: I hate treadmill running for a multitude of reasons but primarily because I. AM. NOT. A. HAMSTER.)

I will never sign up for a full marathon. 😉
What have you said never to, and then had to eat your words later?
The WB