(Certainly participating in this challenge is quite an adventure in itself – for me at least. I am finding out just how rusty my decidedly-not-mad WordPress skillz are. Just trying to place the damn badge on my blog is proving an exercise in frustration. Please bear with me people – it will get better as the month progresses and I do much needed work on ye olde blogge.)
Adventure = Life, in my humble opinion.
If your live is not adventurous, you are not living it. I don’t mean you need to be defying death on a daily basis. But I don’t believe people should be playing it safe either. Feeling major a tiny bit of fear at thinking of attempting something is, for me, the first clue that this might be something I should be avoiding doing. That maybe I need to s-t-r-e-t-c-h just a wee bit (or a lot).
Since JD died I have had many completely new adventures as a widow. My plan is to have many, many more. Rock on, fellow adventurers!
The WB
Welcome to the Challenge! Looking forward to adventuring with you and the rest of our intrepid blogging friends!
Thanks Ms. Darkstar!
Greetings from a fellow A-toZChallenge participant. I found your post on adventure inspiring and motivating. Life is an adventure!
Thank you Sam!