Return of the Domestic Goddess

Just thought I’d share with you a few casual shots of me doing my thing around the house. Here’s me in my usual cleaning outfit – I think I was in the seldom-used TV room, if I recall correctly, sweeping dirt under the carpets as per my routine:


And here’s me again, deciding what delicious man-pleasing entrée to make for supper….really! Oh yes!


You know, I wasn’t sure I’d look good in that shade of yellow, but I think I can actually rock it.

What, you don’t believe me???

That’s OK. I don’t believe me either.

Seriously though, I am feeling a little goddess-y lately, in the domestic sense. I’ve started knitting again.

And I fully intend to actually cook something this weekend!

It hasn’t been a good summer so far for cooking. Between working long hours and spending long hours at the golf course (not a bad gig, really) helping watching JD practice for his big tournament later this month, there hasn’t been a lotta face time logged in at Chez D’s Kitchen.

But that is about to change. A cooking post to follow sometime this weekend! I promise.

3 thoughts on “Return of the Domestic Goddess

  1. Kim

    Great to see you blogging again, Pal, and congrats on your return to knitting & (soon/now) cooking! (I still adore the headband and scarf you made me….)

    Are you golfing as well, or offering moral support?

    Will be watching this space for further updates!

  2. Pingback: From Inspiration to the Table » Hete Bliksem

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