Bowser knows it’s spring and is loathe to come inside. Or is he?
I was busy in the kitchen when I glanced outside and saw this.
I felt I was being watched.So I went to my back patio door and invited in him in. Nope! Not having it.
Back to the kitchen I went, to continue with my food preparation. A few minutes later, I looked outside again and saw this.
He’s inching closer.I went back to the patio door again. Again, a refusal to come in.
So, I finish what I was doing in the kitchen and head to the living room to pick up my knitting (my refuge in these troubling times). Then I see this.
OK. He finally wants to end the staring contest and come in.But, more staring – indoor version. What? Do you need a snuggle?The answer is yes.Forget about knitting for the foreseeable future. You will be calming yourself by petting the dog sleeping on your lap instead!
We hope you have a restful weekend with lots of snuggles.
He cleans up rather nicely, doncha think?Enough admiration, Oma! We have important business in the woods to take care of!After walkies, comes snugglies.Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful!
Bowser is ever-changing in his behaviour, it seems.
Lately he doesn’t want to cuddle that much with me or any other members of his pack. He prefers to hang out in his dog bed, which he has ignored for many months now.
I need my space.Can’t you see I need to chill out, Oma?You and your camera! Sheesh!I still love you, though.
My daughter thinks that because he has gotten quite shaggy, he gets too hot when he is cuddled up with one (or more) of us. The weather has warmed up at lot so Bowser is going to the spa groomers’ next week. We shall see.
This past weekend was a holiday one in our part of the world: Family Day. So as a family we went to the west coast of the island, to enjoy its beauty. I had booked us a dog-friendly 2 bedroom suite in a place I have stayed at multiple times already – the Tofino Resort and Marina.
Bowser has his own car seat, which he doesn’t mind. It’s a 3 hour drive from our property to our destination.
Alas, the weather (amongst other things) was not in our favour this past weekend. It was grey, wet, and cold for the most part. But we made the best of it, regardless. Even when all of our snacks froze solid in the hotel room’s mini-fridge. Even when some takeout from a formerly great restaurant turned out to be a disappointment. Even when I couldn’t make the pour-over coffee I had brought taste good. Even when we couldn’t escape the drizzle and rain.
Keeping Bowsie warm while waiting for our tacos at Tacofino (which never disappoints!).Doncha just hate it when all the seats and tables are taken? 😂 At the Tofitian Coffee shop. Get the hot chocolate there – trust me!Fueled by tacos and hot drinks, we headed to our home for the weekend.No rest for our resident guard dog, always keeping an eye on things going on at the resort.The skies were mostly like this, for the duration of our stay.Crow friend, just outside my bedroom window.We didn’t let that stop us from enjoying the beautiful west coast trails and views.
High waves in winter bring a lot of visitors to the west coast of the island. This day the waves were marked as “considerable” according to the roadside signage. You can hear Bowser bark in this video. At the Amphirite Lighthouse on the Wild Pacific Trail.When the rain really started coming down we retreated to our suite, piled on the king bed and watched movies. Bowser enjoyed a doggy massage courtesy of Mommy.What a life, eh Bowsie?On departure day, we woke up to blue skies (naturally). 😉We hit the Rainforest Trail on the way out of town, to go back to the place where the kids got married.Bowser didn’t understand why we had to stop here but he was a good sport about it, anyways.Bowser has turned out to be quite a good little traveller.
We hope you enjoyed the recap of our little winter getaway.
At the time of writing this post, there is still snow on the ground although the incoming rain and warmer temps will probably have melted it all by the time this post goes live.
In the meantime we have been enjoying our daily walks on the snowy terrain.And enjoying Mother Nature’s frosty designs on the foliage.And seeing signs of overnight carnage – not as enjoyable but this too is life. A bunny did not make it through the night.Bowser has started kicking the snow/soil after he does his business. This is something all dogs will do but is new for him. I read somewhere that it is a power move. Can anybody fill me in on why dogs do this?Why now Bowsie? Are you feeling very powerful these days?
Here’s something else new. We’ve had a hot tub installed on the property – a big endeavour as it also involved an electrical upgrade. But so worth it, especially after these chilly walks.
Enjoying the new family spa (especially fun when it is snowy out!). Bowser is completely uninterested.
This week we finally received a shit ton of some snow here on Vancouver Island.
A winter wonderland once more!Off we went en famille, to enjoy!Going off roading, Bowser-style.Racing with Daddy!Snow hair, don’t care!Snow makes for a good snack.Those snowy chaps mean a hosing off with warm water once Bowser gets back inside.
Stay tuned for next week when we will return to our regular programming (+5C, and rain). 😁
Here are some photos of Bowser, sleeping the sleep of a dog who cares not that he almost undid hours of knitting while chewing up one of my knitting tools….
Meanwhile, I can lay awake in the middle of night agonizing over something stupid I said or did 30 years ago.
I have decided once again, after a decades-long hiatus, to try my hand at sock knitting. My maternal Oma was a fabulous sock knitter and my dad refused to wear any socks not made by her – they were THAT good. I loved the ones she had made for me as well, when I was a teenager. Those socks are all long gone – naturally – except for one last very worn pair that I presciently squirreled away, for some-day inspiration.
Here is my work-in-progress.
But this is Sunday Schnauzer, you are saying to yourself right now – not a knitting blog. What gives?
I was at my daughter’s house (house-sitting with my knitting left on the arm of the couch) when I went into the kitchen to empty the dishwasher. Bowser was snoozing (OR SO I THOUGHT). I returned to the living room to see Bowser, sitting sphinx-like, with something in his front paws.
Bowser, in sphinx-mode – photo for reference. Imagine my knitting between his paws instead of his squeaky octopus.
Then I heard him go “crunch, crunch” at the same time that I realized he was holding my half-finished sock.
Dog-shaming needed to be done.
Luckily the needle set I was using came with a spare (for just this reason?) so I was able to save the sock and continue on with it. I also found the chomped-off pieces of the wooden needle, so no need to worry that this criminal mastermind scamp was going to have digestive difficulties later on.
As my friend (who I am currently vacationing in Barbados with) likes to say about HER dog – IT’S A GOOD THING YOU’RE CUTE!
My daughter got a “galaxy projector” as one of her Christmas gifts. Of course, we had to pile onto her bed after dinner and try it out. This is how Bowser reacted:
He was mesmerized!Totally engrossed in the light show.Definitely watching, and not snoozing.Did the gummy kick in, Bowsie? 🤣 (JK, I would never give Bowser a gummy!)He was like this the whole time the projector was on!
Was it the aurora moving across the ceiling? Was it the stars blinking in and out? Was it the soothing ocean sounds coming from the projector? Was it all of the above? What had entranced Bowser?
We hope you find your bliss* this weekend.
Rock on,
The WB
*speaking of bliss, when this post goes live I will be traveling once again to Barbados. Fingers crossed, all goes well and I don’t have a repeat of last year’s unfortunate travel experience!